It’s Crucial To Be A Crucial Voice
"We all have a role in our community," Olivia exclaimed. "I help our program participants and graduates bring their experiences into the rooms where laws get made so that the proposed policies can work better for all of us."
Upcoming Policy and Advocacy Events at RISE
RISE's Policy & Advocacy team invites you to join us for all of our upcoming events! We have a few ways for you all to get involved with advocacy efforts in the community and at the capitol.
Nebraska's Unicameral is Officially Back in Session!
This is the beginning of a biennium, where our unicameral operates in 2-year terms, and this year is the long session with 90 legislative days. This means we will see senators working to address the concerns of Nebraska through the beginning of June.
Registering to Vote for the First Time.
"This is one part of getting my humanity back." - Jason Kotas
On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, the Nebraska Supreme Court restored LB20 and says people who have completed their felony convictions MUST be allowed to register and vote.
Nebraska Supreme Court Says Voters with Past Felonies MUST Be Allowed to Vote!
AS OF TODAY, Wednesday, October16th, 2024, the Nebraska Supreme Court says voters with past felonies MUST be allowed to vote!
Aaron Pettes: First of All with Victor Blackwell on CNN
LB20, passed in April, was not new and not radical. It represented 8 years of advocacy and resilience to change the hearts and minds of legislators across Nebraska. We know Nebraskans believe in second chances. We stand with those affected and will keep advocating and working to make change.
Nebraska Voting Rights Restoration Coalition Responds to Nebraska Secretary of State’s Halting of Felony Voting REgistration
“The Attorney General's opinion and the Secretary of State's announcement - made public less than 48 hours before a law to remedy this is to take effect -
unnecessarily introduces more uncertainty, delay and complication.”
ACLU of Nebraska, Partners Mail Voting Rights Information to County Jails
April 29, 2024 10:45 A.M. CST
Sam Petto, ACLU of Nebraska, 402-476-8091,
LINCOLN, Neb. – Thousands of Nebraskans who are incarcerated in Nebraska’s county jails will have access to voting rights information this spring thanks to a partnership between the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nebraska, Civic Nebraska and RISE. Educational pamphlets produced by the organizations are arriving at county jails this week.
Voting Rights Restoration Coalition launches ‘Get My Vote Back’ education campaig
Nebraska’s Voting Rights Restoration Coalition on Friday announced a public education campaign on Nebraska’s new voting rights law. Stemming from the Nebraska Legislature’s passage of LB20, state residents who have completed a felony sentence can now register to vote immediately after completion, rather than wait an extra two years.
LB20 Clears Hurdles to Become Law
“Off paper” after your felony sentence? Learn how and when you can register to vote!
Nebraska LB50 Becomes Law
As we find the end of summer drawing near, this means the interim session is upon us and the next legislative session is quickly approaching; just like the change in the seasons. With the change of the legislative sessions, we'll start to look for the implementation of the laws passed at the end of the 108th Legislative 1st session.
What Will LB 50 Change?
Everyone is eager to learn more about the changes LB50 will have for our Builders and people we all know and care about.
Nebraska LB50 Becomes a Law
The Nebraska Unicameral ended two days early yesterday, but not before LB50 passed its final round of debate with a vote of 34-15!
Nebraska governor signs proclamation for Fatherhood
The Fatherhood Initiative is a statewide program of Lutheran Family Services (LFS), in partnership with Legal Aid of Nebraska, RISE, and in collaboration with Sarpy County.
Criminal Justice Reform Bill On Its Way to Final Round
LB50 was debated on select file for four hours on Wednesday and survived a cloture vote, where at least 33 senators had to decide if the bill received a full and fair debate. It was then advanced to the final round of debate with a vote of 30-7.
LB50 Advanced to Select File
The Judiciary Committee’s omnibus bill, LB50, advanced to select file last night with a vote of 28-8. Even through some contentious moments, senators continued to work towards agreements on the latest amendment that they hope to have finalized in the next round of debate.
Contact Your Senator: Criminal Justice Reform in Nebraska Being Debated Today
With only 8 days left in the 108th Legislature, 1st session, criminal justice reform is now on the agenda for debate today. Contact your senators now and ask them to vote for the data-driven policies in LB50 with AM1436 to reduce the state’s prison growth, while promoting public safety and reducing recidivism.
RISE Business Academy 2022: Being a Part of the Business Community
In 2022 we held two RISE Business Academy (RBA) cohorts and one graduation with seven graduates. 11 of our 19 program graduates currently have their businesses in operation.
Dr. TJ Dickson became the Director of the RBA in July 2022. She facilitated Cohort 5 and graduated the largest cohort thus far.
About The Nebraska Voting Rights Restoration Coalition
The Voting Rights Restoration Coalition is composed of over 30 statewide and local organizations. Our mission is to remove barriers to civic participation for those impacted by the criminal justice system. We want everyone to be able to access their right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for office.