Nebraska LB50 Becomes a Law

by Jasmine Harris, MPH, CHES, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy

SINE DIE - The Last Day of Business

The Nebraska Unicameral ended two days early yesterday, but not before LB50 passed its final round of debate with a vote of 34-15!

The passing of this specific criminal justice reform package has been a long time coming.  From the declaration of a state of emergency on July 1, 2020, due to prison overcrowding to the fall of the data-driven policies introduced as LB920 in April 2022, we advocated for change and that day has finally arrived. 

Join us in thanking Senators Wayne and McKinney for championing LB50 along with Senators J. Cavanaugh and Dungan for bringing their experience of how these policies affect people directly impacted by the criminal justice system. The Judiciary Committee deserves thanks as well as they had many hard conversations and worked to get LB50 across the finish line. 

We also want to thank you! The advocates!

Thank you for showing up at the Directly Impacted Persons & Reentry Service Providers Roundtable to ensure that your voices were a part of this process, for contacting your senators to educate them on this bill and asking for their support, and sharing your personal experiences. 

 It all matters and it made a difference!

College Admissions Ditch the Box

We have another reason to celebrate this session! LB222, introduced by Senator Fredrickson, was amended into the Education omnibus bill LB705 that passed this week. This policy removes the barrier of having to answer questions on initial college admissions applications that ask about criminal history or juvenile court records. It applies to colleges and universities in Nebraska that are publicly funded. 

 LB705 has an emergency clause that would make all the policies in this bill effective immediately. 

It's Not Good-Bye

It’s always bitter sweet when the session ends. But don’t fret! We’ll be in touch over the summer and fall gearing up for the next session. There are interim studies and hearings and other activities that we can't wait to share!

 In the meantime, let’s continue to bring awareness for change, so that Nebraska’s criminal justice system works for everyone.

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McKenzie Ring

McKenzie Ring has over 20 years of experience helping businesses and organizations reach maximum audiences for growth. Specializing in social responsibility, digital marketing, photography, and content creation, McKenzie uses that experience to educate the public and grow a network of volunteers, donors, employers, and support for people returning to the community after incarceration.

Specializing and trained in documentary-based work, McKenzie has been an award-winning Midwest photographer and content creator for much of her professional life. She is passionate about bridging unlikely communities and building empathy through storytelling.




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