Key touchpoints and notes for the day:
RISE Event “Set-up Staff” arrives to the facility at 2:00pm..
Volunteers and volunteering staff will arrive at 2:30pm.
Upon arrival, it's CRUCIAL to be QUIET and PAY ATTENTION. Many NDCS rules have changed in regards to our arrival process, and how we quietly carry ourselves as RISE staff is critical.
Please turn your State ID/Driver’s Licence into the front desk, but keep your NDCS volunteer badge on you. Secure your personal items into a locker, and sit quietly in the waiting area until it's time to be processed through security.
It’s important, especially at RTC, to keep voice volume levels to a minimum.
Jeremy Bouman, Dr. Tommy Moore, Caitlin Finn, Chantal Wentz, Andrea Wright, Maria Moreno-Godemann, Dr. TJ Dickson, Geri Knight, McKenzie Ring, Mikayla Troudt, Sarah Bartolomei, Aaron Pettes, Cami Kotouc