
RISE Able to Help More with CHI Grant

RISE is a re-entry program with a mission to help people both inside and outside prison get back on their feet.

"We're helping them with housing, employment, healthy relationships, building a healthy peer community of others who are navigating carceral systems and coming home," said Jeremy Bouman, CEO of RISE.

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Reentry McKenzie Ring Reentry McKenzie Ring

Real Reentry: He’s Come so Far

When Ray returned to the community, he struggled like so many do. Addiction took over and he lost touch with us. He went back to prison. But he came back home, he reached back out, and RISE was here. We'll always be here if they're ready.

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Community, RAA, Volunteer, Fundraising McKenzie Ring Community, RAA, Volunteer, Fundraising McKenzie Ring

Volunteers and CVS Health Workforce Initiative Helps Reentry Program Fill Over 200 Essential Bags

RISE provides "Welcome Home" bags to all RISE graduates who return home. Valued at over $100, each bag includes personal care items like body wash, shampoo, laundry detergent and towels. We all know how expensive a trip for essentials like this can be - lifting this one financial burden means a lot to us and the people we serve.

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Policy McKenzie Ring Policy McKenzie Ring

Nebraska’s 5th Annual Day of Empathy

We believe that people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system are the most integral voices in advocating for change. Nebraska needs all of its citizens to vote, there should not be a wait to participate.

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