Contact Your Senator: Criminal Justice Reform in Nebraska Being Debated Today

by Jasmine Harris, MPH, CHES, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy

Action Alert: Contact Your Senator

Criminal Justice Reform in Nebraska Being Debated Today!

With only 8 days left in the 108th Legislature, 1st session, criminal justice reform is now on the agenda for debate today. 

LB50 with committee amendment AM1436 will reintroduce proposed policy solutions from last year’s LB920. If these policies would have passed last year, there would have been a decreased projected prison population growth by over 1,000 people by 2030, saving the state more than $55 million in additional costs. 

But it’s not too late for us to do something about it. 

A few of the recommended policies in LB50 address priorities that will: 

  • Decrease the current prison population by streamlining release for people prepared to reenter society through aligning parole criteria with current research on recidivism and establishing geriatric parole.

  • Decrease the future prison population through the expansion of alternatives to incarceration by creating a standard statewide structure for diversion programs and establishing additional problem-solving courts with standard eligibility criteria so more people with low-level offenses can be served without having to go to prison.

  • Serve justice-involved people with mental health and substance use disorders by investing in community-based behavioral health services like increased access to telehealth and creating financial pathways for more professionals to be trained. 

Nebraska legislators have another chance to pass criminal justice reform policies in our state that will work and have a positive impact on the lives of all of our community members across the state. We need you to call or email your senator today and tell them how important it is that they do. 

Senators will be hard at work debating the voting and election reforms earlier in the day, but will have the opportunity to hear LB50 later on today. 

Contact your senators now and ask them to vote for the data-driven policies in LB50 with AM1436 to reduce the state’s prison growth, while promoting public safety and reducing recidivism. 

You can watch the debate streamed live on Nebraska Public Media

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McKenzie Ring

McKenzie Ring has over 20 years of experience helping businesses and organizations reach maximum audiences for growth. Specializing in social responsibility, digital marketing, photography, and content creation, McKenzie uses that experience to educate the public and grow a network of volunteers, donors, employers, and support for people returning to the community after incarceration.

Specializing and trained in documentary-based work, McKenzie has been an award-winning Midwest photographer and content creator for much of her professional life. She is passionate about bridging unlikely communities and building empathy through storytelling.


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