We need 160 Online Volunteers!
Online Coaching provides an opportunity for our program participants to receive in-depth feedback on resumes, personal statements, and interview skills.
For this Online Coaching Event, volunteers will be assigned a RISE program participant, where they will review a personal statement, cover letter, resume, and beginning phase of business ideation. While reviewing these crucial pieces of RISE's program (and the reentry process), volunteers will submit honest feedback via a guided online form.
Important things you should know:
- This is roughly a 1-2 hour time commitment, however, it is all self-paced and can be done from the comfort of your own home.
- You will need computer access to complete this volunteer opportunity. Unfortunately, this opportunity is not optimal from your mobile device.
- There is a hard completion date deadline of October 23rd, 2023.
- There are NO prerequisites to volunteer for the Online Coaching Event! If you have ever spent time in the workforce, you're qualified!