Hosted by: RISE Culture and Wellness Committee and the RISE DEI Committee
When: the last Monday of the month, unless it conflicts with a holiday or event [i.e. May will fall on the 3rd Monday of the month]
What time: movies will begin at 4:30pm; most movies will last on average ~90 minutes
Who’s Invited: anyone on the team! This is a completely optional activity for staff
Where: movies will play on the large television in the communal space of the Omaha office. However, I will be working with Sarah on the technology piece to be able to share my streaming screen as a virtual option for folks who can't be here in person. [definitely encourage Lincoln folks to have a viewing gathering at the Lincoln office]
What else?: feel free to bring snacks, a blanket, comfy clothes, etc. A post film comment card/survey/discussion may integrate into the process, but at this time there won't be any post-movie commitment the day-of