
RISE Able to Help More with CHI Grant

RISE is a re-entry program with a mission to help people both inside and outside prison get back on their feet.

"We're helping them with housing, employment, healthy relationships, building a healthy peer community of others who are navigating carceral systems and coming home," said Jeremy Bouman, CEO of RISE.

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Reentry McKenzie Ring Reentry McKenzie Ring

RISE Graduates Volunteer

At ISE we are building a volunteer opportunity service for RISE Graduates who want to give back! One of the recurring things we hear is, “I want to give back but nobody will give me a chance.”

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Reentry McKenzie Ring Reentry McKenzie Ring

Real Reentry: He’s Come so Far

When Ray returned to the community, he struggled like so many do. Addiction took over and he lost touch with us. He went back to prison. But he came back home, he reached back out, and RISE was here. We'll always be here if they're ready.

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