ACTION ALERT: Nebraska LB121

by Jasmine Harris, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy

ACTION ALERT: Tell the Legislature Nebraskans reentering society should not be denied food benefits for life.

“When we try to get our lives back together and try to do right, we can’t get assistance.” - Lateeka from Lincoln

This year, the Nebraska Legislature has the chance to end Nebraska’s lifetime Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) ban for individuals convicted of certain drug felonies. Senator Megan Hunt’s LB121 would do just that while making sure food benefits are available to people supporting children and families, reducing recidivism, and strengthening racial equity in our criminal justice system. This bill impacts over 1000 Nebraska families.

Contact your senator and ask them to vote yes on LB121.

Background on the ban

Federal law creates a lifetime SNAP ban for anyone convicted of a drug felony for possession, use, or distribution unless state law specifically modifies it. Nebraska currently has a modified ban that creates a small exception for persons that have two or fewer felonies for use or possession and have completed a treatment program. A full ban remains for those with felonies for distribution. 

The ban hurts children and families

Approximately 1 in 10 children in Nebraska have a parent who is incarcerated. While families are still eligible to receive SNAP when a member is banned, the banned individual’s income still counts toward the household. Clearly, that person still needs to eat somehow and there are likely few alternatives to eating with the family. Simply put, when a household gets fewer SNAP benefits, children eat less.

Nebraska prison overcrowding and recidivism

Forcing recently released citizens to rejoin our communities without their basic needs being met leads to desperation and potential recidivism. As our leaders weigh a $240M+ new prison proposal and the long-standing prison overcrowding crisis (we lead the nation in overcrowded prisons), it’s past time to address front-end prevention strategies including food access.

Equity and criminal justice

In the US, people of color are arrested more frequently, charged more harshly, and are therefore more subject to the lifetime SNAP ban than white people. This practice helps fill our prisons with non-violent, low level offenders and also contributes to the disproportionate convictions and incarceration of people of color. Eliminating this ban would support greater equity by reducing barriers to successful reentry and recidivism. 

Take Action

LB121 has been scheduled for debate as early as Tuesday, March 22nd. Take action by asking your senator to move this bill forward by emailing or calling your senator today.

Our SNAP Reentry Advocates created this easy online form to send an email to your senator asking them to vote yes on LB121. If you feel more comfortable calling your senator, click here for your senator’s phone number. 

Now is the time to join the 28 other states that have already eliminated the ban to move our state forward. Contact your senator today! 

Thank you for your advocacy!

Talking Points and Fact Sheet

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McKenzie Ring

McKenzie Ring has over 20 years of experience helping businesses and organizations reach maximum audiences for growth. Specializing in social responsibility, digital marketing, photography, and content creation, McKenzie uses that experience to educate the public and grow a network of volunteers, donors, employers, and support for people returning to the community after incarceration.

Specializing and trained in documentary-based work, McKenzie has been an award-winning Midwest photographer and content creator for much of her professional life. She is passionate about bridging unlikely communities and building empathy through storytelling.


Breaking Down Nebraska LB 920


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