Sarah Bartolomei standing in front of a grey textured wall with a smile and arms crossed.



Sarah stumbled into a professional career centered around housing, launching into property management, and progressing into homeless services. Along the ride, she learned about low-income and luxury housing, gained an enthusiasm for travel, received a Bachelor of Arts degree, found a passion for volunteering, and grew a knack for kick-starting projects.

This knack led to her most recent feats: building and implanting programs including a rental relief program in the height of the pandemic, and two landlord engagement programs that focus on mitigating the risk landlords take when housing individuals with complicated backgrounds. These programs continue to thrive today as Metro Housing Collaborative (Omaha, NE) and Landlord Housing Partnership (Anchorage, AK).

Sarah's strengths come to light when she engages with others, especially, over a shared idea. For her, it doesn’t get much better than the joy of assisting others and watching as their passions come to life.