RISE Impact Volunteering

We are excited to be launching a new opportunity for past graduates who are looking to both serve their community and stay connected to the RISE family!

We have partnered with community organizations willing to allow us to serve their populations. Organizations like Siena Francis House, Sarpy County Justice Center, Big Brother and Big Sisters and others have committed to joining us in our efforts to change the lives and hearts of those we serve. 

We know that when released we have a burning desire to give back to our communities. A lot of times those efforts to serve have been withheld from us because of our backgrounds. An unfortunate truth we have come to learn the hard way through rejection. Let’s put an end to that now and join forces to change the lives of those in our community by faithfully serving them. What better way to affect change than to love our neighbors. 

If you know of organizations, churches, families, individuals, please reach out to us and we can see if we can find a way to serve them. We don’t want to exclude opportunities because they aren’t a part of a large organization. 

Part of every volunteering opportunity will be time to check in, catch up, and build community. Refreshments will be provided. A small and modest incentive of $20 will be offered (gas card/fast food gift card) to those who volunteer three times as a show of appreciation for your steadfastness. 

We have already begun to serve our communities by doing yard work for Compassion In Action; moving furniture and clearing out storage containers for Big Brothers and Big Sister’s; and have planned events scheduled speaking to the youth in juvenile centers. 

In September we hope to serve the Siena Francis House by serving meals, working in their warehouse, and whatever other needs they may have. vWe are putting out the call out to RISE Alumni! Whom shall we send?!

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please click the Sign Up Here button below and fill out the Sign Up Form. If you have questions, you can reach out to us at impact@seeusrise.org, or respond to this email directly.

 If you can not serve in September, please reach out and let us know you’d love to be included in future efforts. Opportunities will alternate between Lincoln and Omaha on a monthly basis. We look forward to hearing from you and serving with you!!