Jason Kotas


Jason Kotas involves himself in the community by being an active member of his Church, St. James United Methodist, East Campus in Bellevue NE, locally co-facilitating weekend workshops for the Alternative to Violence Project, and sharing his experience, strength, and hope at area treatment facilities and other venues.

Mr. Kotas would like you to know that he has not always been this version of himself, as he initially got involved with RISE while he was a resident of the Omaha Correctional Center. He graduated from RISE’s inaugural cohort at OCC, stayed involved as a Peer Facilitator until he was transferred to Community Corrections.

Today, Jason is living a life that a few years ago he would not have dared to dream about, thinking that his time had come and gone to ever live a life that was meaningful and fulfilling. By finally taking responsibility for his own life, he has risen up out of the ashes that were once his reality, and is dedicated to helping others rise up out of their own.