Board Dashboard
Upcoming RISE events
# of IPP grads released last month: 5
# of IPP grads released ytd: 43
Total # of IPP grads in community: 273
# of IPP grads eligible for release in the next 18 months: 133
What’s New?
Only 2 RISE graduates were re-incarcerated in the first quarter of 2024!
One of the builders in the OCC cohort graduated early as he was being released in May!
OCC 9 graduated in June!
Policy & Advocacy
LB20 Has Cleared All Legislative Hurdles To Become Law!
LB20 eliminates the current two-year voting waiting period and restores voting rights to people with felony convictions immediately upon completion of their sentence, including completion of probation and parole.
Finances: May 2024
Bank Balances: $2,599,546
Accounts Payable: $4,769
RREF YTD: $29,741
Total Liabilities & Equity: $3,393,041
Our Services
The RISE In-Prison Program (IPP) is an intensive six-month character development and job readiness program facilitated inside the Nebraska Department of Corrections.
# of people served all time: 1459
# of people served last month: 170
RISE Reentry Services are available to RISE In-Prison Program graduates. Using a Strengths-Based Case Management model, they empower graduates to work towards personalized goals of self-sufficiency.
# of people served all time: 437
# of people served YTD: 128
The RISE Employment Program provides employment assistance to RISE In-Prison Program Graduates within a community corrections facility or living in the community.
# of Released RISE Grads hired last month: 4
# of Released RISE Grads hired ytd: 28
Median Starting wages $17.00
% of graduates employed 85.40%
# of graduates served in the employment program last month: 7
The RISE Youth & Family program offers access to support groups, workshops, community referrals, one-on-one coaching, and individualized assistance to all system-impacted families.
# of people served all time: 341
# of people served YTD: 196
The RISE Business Academy is a 12-week program focused on developing a prosperous business in the community for those having lived experience with in the criminal justice system or their family members. Through support and community services, the RISE Business Academy aims to create and promote self-sufficiency, independence, and economic growth through entrepreneurship.
# of people served all time: 121
# of people served YTD: 37
The Justice Study is being conducted by researchers at the Harvard Access to Justice Lab, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. The Study will rigorously evaluate the short and long-term effects of pretrial incarceration and is expected to contribute significantly to criminal justice system policies in Nebraska, as well as other jurisdictions.
# of people served all time: 285
# of people served YTD: 149
Board Committees
Members: Dan Walker, Jamie Berglund, Thomas Sudyka, & Tonya Eggspuehler
Meeting Cadence: Meets in the odd numbered months
Members: Bill Hobbs, Jan Chvala, Rachel Fox, Natasha Nuytten
Meeting Cadence: Meets once a quarter
Members: Naomi Hattaway, Mark Foxall, Ben Navarro, Steven Lathrop
Meeting Cadence: Meets as needed.
Members: Dan Walker, Leah Smejkal, Jan Chvala, Thomas Sudyka, Luester Weaver
Meeting Cadence: Meets the week of the board meeting.
Members: Dan Walker, Naomi Hattaway, Jamie Berglund, Jeremy Bouman, Erica Raetz, Sarah Bartolomei
Meeting Cadence: Meets every other Wednesday